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Anna^-^'s Guestbook

TuesdaiJan 29, 2007

Anna Anna anna!!!! There is some one on TSR that likes me. Write back!\:eek\:

TuesdaiJan 27, 2007

Sarah in my class is teaching me french. Go me!\:D

TuesdaiJan 26, 2007

I have Justin T "My love" in my gb! I also have it on my MP3 player. 15 darn songs!\:\( I'm gonna put more on now!\:D

josh1092Jan 22, 2007

hey ur next to be picked on by maddza shes just put wat she thinks of me in her story and wat she thinks of nicole i want her to drop dead like in my story then ill happy a gr8 bday its on wednesday 31st of january by the way and good luck creamin maddza\;\)

Gibson TwinsJan 21, 2007

It's my B-Day tommorow I will be 12 yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\:P I also have a twin called Mairi\:wub\:

casanova83Jan 16, 2007

Thanks for your comment on my avatar! I like yours too!\:\)\:\)

Gibson TwinsJan 15, 2007

Hey Amanda I LOVE evanesance too. My fav song is Wake me up inside. What is yours? \:wub\:

TuesdaiJan 15, 2007

Hi! Cal me after you read this\:P

TuesdaiJan 15, 2007

Now Maddza is mad at me!\:\( Shes like "EVERY SINGEL STORY OF YOURS IS RETARED"!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm removing her comments every time I see one. She hates you too. Your next. I'm gonna put that's shes jealous of me and more I'll PM you.

josh1092Jan 10, 2007

hi amanda love ur storys and jus wanted to say my new story and my first is comin on the story page soon its called pleasantview:my story so look out for it plz\:P

TuesdaiJan 7, 2007

HIIIII I'm watching a really sad movie! Why'd you have to sign my gb! I was reading a funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy story!!! It's old though. Now I have to look all over the pages again!\:\)

TuesdaiJan 2, 2007

I'm gonna call now! I'm watching REAL real ninjas. I have good news and bad news. The goods news is that my sim had 12 babies. And the bad news is that... read my profile. It's on the last part of it!\:\(

TuesdaiDec 30, 2006

Hello. I was crying pretty hard when your dad said you wern't coming today. But my dad is thinking of talking your dad into coming tomorrow. You guys have to come. It's the last day of football. Not that I care about it. lol!\:D ^-^Meoooooow!!! Shut up Natty!\:mad\: Anywho, if you dad is coming tomorrow please let him bring you. C-ya!!\:\)

bflosweethartDec 27, 2006

I love your advar thingy great for Christmas

TuesdaiDec 17, 2006

Sorry I havn't been signing your gb. I was to bussy talking to you on the phone. My game is still crashing from all the dowloads. I'm the 9th person that has that has the most downloads. Well that I know of. I made the Simpsons story and I have 22 comments already. I made kids die in one of my other stroies. I saw the grimmy to much that I couldn't sleep the night after. I was scared. I'm still not over saying.. many... sims...dieing... SEE!! lol! C-ya! P.S. I was away from the site for week.\:\(

TuesdaiDec 6, 2006

MY PROFILE IS BAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\:D \:D YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! I went to my profile and it said edit and I clicked Update Details and it was there!!! LOOoooooook\:D

TuesdaiDec 2, 2006

Heeeeello. I had a fight with Chris today. He is like "GIRLS SUCK"!!!!!!!! And a girl said shut up and I said shut up to him too. And he pushed me and then we had a fight. I don't like him anymore I like a boy named Kevin. He is so cute. He has got black spikey hair.\:wub\:

sandybvvDec 1, 2006

thank you so much for your nice comments for my **The Lover** Story. i really appreciate your time reading it... also i want to wish you a Merry Xmas and a wonderful and happy New Year.. XOXO Sandra

TuesdaiNov 26, 2006

Hey what's wrong with you\:mad\: Your looking at your gb but your not repliing. And you havn't been calling me. I called alot. And no anser. When I did get an anser you were still asleep. Call me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\:mad\: \:mad\: \:mad\: \:mad\:

TuesdaiNov 26, 2006

Call me after you read this.\:P I have 3 stories in the my stories thing. I have to many things downloaded that my game is crashing. lol! Why did you come home late on friday.\:confused\: My dad said that mabye you just didn't want to come and he thinks that you went on friday. I want the turth Anna!!\:mad\:

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